Upper Seneca Baptist Church
Friday, May 03, 2024
Our Mission: Impacting the Kingdom of God one person at a time
April 2024
Struggling to Pray by Pastor Dennis Felder
Prayer is a powerful and important aspect of the Christian life. It provides solace, guidance, and a connection to God. However, there may be times when we do not feel like praying, whether due to distractions, laziness, or feelings of doubt or despair. In these moments, it can be challenging to muster the motivation and focus to engage in prayer. Below are some tips on how to pray when you do not feel like praying:

Acknowledge your feelings: There are times when you may feel hesitant to pray. Acknowledge your feelings without judgment and recognize that this can be a normal part of the spiritual journey. Allow yourself to sit with these emotions and explore the reasons behind them.

Start small: When you are struggling to pray, it can be helpful to start small. Begin with a short and simple prayer, like a quick expression of gratitude or a brief request for strength. Setting realistic expectations can help you ease into a healthy prayer practice.

Create a routine: Establishing a routine for prayer can make it easier to incorporate into your daily life, even when you do not feel like praying. Set aside dedicated time each day for prayer, whether it is in the morning, before bed, or during moments of quiet reflection.

Use prayer prompts:
If you are unsure of what to pray for or how to start, consider using prayer prompts or guided prayers. You can find resources online, in books, or within Scripture that will provide prompts for different situations or emotions, helping you focus your thoughts and intentions.

Change up your routine: If you find yourself feeling bored or uninspired in your prayer practice, it may be time to change things up. Try praying in a different location, a different posture, or incorporating music into your practice.

Seek support: Do not be afraid to reach out to others for support and guidance in your prayer journey. Talk to a spiritual mentor, join a prayer group, or seek out a community of like-minded believers who can offer encouragement and accountability.

Remember that prayer is a personal and individual practice, and it is okay to have moments of struggle or resistance. Be patient and kind to yourself, allowing yourself the grace to navigate the ups and downs of your spiritual life.

Philippians 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.